Monday, May 26, 2014

Hello from Belgium!

Happy Monday! I made it to Belgium on Saturday and after spending a few days in Brussels hopped the train to Ghent today. So far it's been a great trip full of picturesque cobblestone streets, interesting architecture, yummy food, and tons of great beer.

The only downside so far is that somehow, after keeping track of all my belongings through 8 domestic flights, two ferries, and tons of pick-pocket-packed jeepneys in the Philippines, I managed to lose my phone somewhere between the Belgium airport and train station.

The phone itself isn't a huge loss, but I did also lose almost all my food pictures from the Philippines and most of my social media access. So sorry I've been a little MIA lately! I'm trying to take it in stride and see it as a chance to unplug, but it's hard with all these Instagram-worthy moments going on :)

Q: Lost anything lately? Any suggestions for what my next phone should be? 


  1. Glad you made it to Belgium okay! Sorry about your loss. Life without IG - what what? :) I have an S4 and love it.
