Friday, April 4, 2014

March Recap and April Goals

Oh man I'm so glad it's Friday! It's been a looong week y'all. Don't get me wrong, I love my new job, but I put in a lot of hours with not much to show for it this week.

Even though it's been hard to find time, fitness and blogging have really helped me through the rough parts of moving cross country, starting a new job, and being in a bi-coastal relationship. So to make sure I stay on track, I'm joining the DC Trifecta's Friday Five and Fitting It All In's Five Things Friday linkup with a recap of my Mach goals and five goals for April.

March Goal Recap:

1. Run 4+ times in India
I only ran 3 times, because the gym at my week 2 hotel wasn't built yet, but I did do hotel room workouts almost every day and even fit in a run in 12 hours between flights. So I'm going to call this done.

2. Run 35 miles
Ran 37 despite a run-less week in India and had both my longest and fastest runs last month! Check it out my dailymile log, it's pretty sweet :)

(Image Source)
3. Try a new fitness class
Tried Pilates on the super scary but awesome Megaformer. Review here.

4. Hike inspiration point
I kind of ran out weekends to get this done. Not a great excuse but hey, it happens.

5. Hang out more with new friends
I showed up to salsa, invited new people to my beach doubles group, and went out with my coworkers. I could definitely still be more social though.

4 out of 5 goals = a solid 80%. Pretty good in my book! Here are my April goals 

April Goals:

1. Finish the Chardonnay 10 Miler (and drink a lot of wine after)
Thanks to the support/peer pressure of my internet and real life friends, I'm jumping right from 5K to 10 miles on April 19th. My goal is just to survive the race. And the large quantities of wine I'm going to drink afterwards. 

(Image Source)
2. Hike inspiration point
For real though.

3. Try a new fitness class
This has been on my list almost every month but I really love it. If it ain't broke...

4. Workout with with a friend
In spite of writing a whole post about making fitness friends, the only social workout I've done is volleyball. Which doesn't count because you can't play volleyball by yourself. So this month I'm going to convince someone to do a workout with me that they could do alone.

(Image Source)
5. Give the blog/social media outlets a face-lift
With my exciting new ambassadorship, I really need to step my game up. 

Q: What's on your plate for April? Anyone want to pimp my blog for me?


  1. That 10 miler sounds fun! I had lots of plans for April but some are still up in the air! Can't wait to see what you come up with for your blog!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Excited to read all about your April happenings soon :)

  2. Replies
    1. Haha don't get too excited yet. I still have to survive it! :)

  3. nice work -- especially appreciative of your workouts while traveling!

    1. Thanks! It's so hard to fit them in but has made a huge difference in how I feel while traveling.

  4. Great job on the March goals and good luck with the 10 miler. I'm giving myself from now until October to get from 5k races to a 10 mile race with a 10k in June.

    1. Thanks! Your schedule sounds like a much better idea than mine. Good luck on your training!

  5. Well done on your March goals!! Inspiration Point looks beautiful - a fun April it will be!

  6. I find your social goals interesting (and inspiring). I'm a homebody, and a bit of a recluse. I was quite social when I was younger, but not so much anymore. Especially when it comes to exercise! I've been grateful that I have a home gym, but that just re-enforces my staying solo. I did go to church volleyball (very casual) and enjoyed it, but that hasn't been offered in a while. I did step out of my comfort zone and started attending Zumba, the first class of any type I've ever taken. I'm still not super social, but I have at least been getting out there! (came here from the Friday Five linkup) *Ü*

    1. Thanks Jen! If I don't make the goals and put it on my list, I definitely won't put myself out there. I love Zumba too! A bunch of my coworkers go together and I love being social and active with them.

  7. Ohhh...10 Miler! How exciting! GOOD LUCK :-) I love how you are so diligent and specific about your goals. Perhaps I need to sit and think about this more often. I always say things to myself like "you need to get on the bike more this week" but I don't put a hard number to it.

    1. Thanks Michele! Honestly it really helps me to set specific goals. Otherwise I know I'll never get anywhere!

  8. Love the goals - the wrap up and the upcoming! I want to try a new fitness class too! I should make it a "for real" goal.

    1. Thanks Cynthia! I love trying new fitness classes. Definitely recommend making it a goal so you make time for it :)
