Monday, June 2, 2014

May Recap and June Goals

I'm back! I had a wonderful time in Amsterdam with the bf (and a not so fun overnight layover in Moscow), but it's great to be home. 

Since I just got in yesterday night and am battling some serious jet lag I didn't have time to meal prep. But, after 26 days of less-healthy living, I did take the time to set some goals to get back on track this month. So here's a look at how I did in May and my goals for June
May Goal Recap:

1. Workout 16 times during my trip
I technically only did 14 "workouts" but I walked miles most days in Europe, so I'm going to call this a win.

2. Eat mindfully and deliciously
I did drink lots of delicious Belgian beer and eat a ton of cheese, waffles and pancakes, but I think I did a better job of enjoying everything in reasonable quantities instead of shoving all the foods into my mouth as fast as possible. You know, like I normally do.

3. Kick my work goals' butts 
I had a very productive trip to the Philippines with lots of good meetings. Fingers crossed all the follow through goes well.

4. Keep up with the blog while traveling
I did really well with this until the last week, mostly because I lost my phone (and free data connection) somewhere between the Brussels airport and train station. Pretty much the biggest failure of the month

(Image Source)
5. Enjoy my vacation
On the plus side, I think losing my phone did help me focus on enjoying my vacation since it forced me to stay off social media. Once I got over the serious Instagram withdrawal anyways :)

June Goals:

1. Make (and stick to!) a workout schedule:
Even though I did my best to fit workouts in during my trip, after almost a whole month away from a regular schedule I definitely need the discipline of a monthly fitness schedule. Just have to make one...

2. Start food journaling again
I have a love/hate relationship with counting calories, but after so many days of non-normal eating I definitely need to get back to being mindful of what I'm eating.

(Image Source)
3. Get back to running
After the Chardonnay 10-Miler I took a small break from running, but with the beautiful California summer weather I definitely want to get back into it this month.

4. Try a new fitness class
Hopefully this will help keep me from getting bored with my fitness schedule. 

(Image Source)
5. Explore my city
It's been 5 months since I moved but there's still a lot of Santa Barbara that I haven't seen yet. And after spending so much time away recently, it'll be good to spend some quality time with my new town.

Q: What do you have coming up this month? Any more votes for what my next phone should be?


  1. Oooh can't wait to see what fitness class you choose so I can get into it once you review it haha. Sorry about your phone womp womp

    1. Lol thanks Lindsay that's super flattering :)

  2. Yayy welcome home!! Those pancakes look amazing. I am resuming food journaling this month as well - not the funnest activity, but I know it keeps me disciplined (sigh).

    1. Thanks Jenny! Good to know I'm not alone with the love/hate food journaling relationship :)

  3. I am a blackberry gal through and through. The actually keyboard makes it very easy to blog from my phone (except at the moment my "A" key is
    I lost my phone last summer on the way to the airport In south Carolina. I was devastated at the fact that I lost so much personal information and pictures.

    1. Yea the biggest bummer was losing all my Philippines food pictures. Not sure I could make the big switch to Blackberry but good to know!
