Friday, June 20, 2014

Five Foods to Beat the Summer Heat

Happy Friday! I've been feeling a little bit under the weather lately so I've been taking it easy. Not taking any chances, especially since I'm probably on the verge of falling victim to California's whooping cough epidemic. Terrifying.

This week's Friday Five Linkup theme is: Five Ways to Beat the Heat. Even though it's been pretty temperate in Santa Barbara, I feel for everyone back home dealing with DC's lovely amazonian rain forest-esque weather. So I'm joining Eat Pray Run DCMar on the Run and You Signed Up for What?! to share five foods and some of my favorite recipes to beat the summer heat. 

1. Overnight Oats

I'm a big fan of a hot breakfast, but it's not the best start to a sweltering summer day. Overnight oats are a great cooling option, and they "cook" in your refrigerator so you don't have to turn on the oven or stove. 

Tropical Mason Jar Overnight Oats
Blueberry Mason Jar Overnight Oats
Mango Mason Jar Overnight Oats

2. Salads

If you follow me on Instagram, you know I eat a giant mixing bowl salad almost every day for lunch. When it's hot out and I don't feel like cooking, this can carry over to dinner too. And while I usually make the same mix of bagged greens, veggies, protein, oil and vinegar, there are lots of fancier options to keep it interesting. 

If you get sick of salad, try putting the ingredients in a wrapper and you have a whole new meal! Summer rolls are light, cool, and raw and perfect for summer. Obviously.

Tempeh Hand Rolls
Blogilates Vegan Summer Rolls
Healthy Food Mind Mandarin Orange and Avocado Spring Rolls

4. Smoothies

When it's really hot out, all I ever want to eat are smoothies. And while it's really easy to buy delicious smoothies, it's not exactly easy on the wallet. With a little bit of effort, and the below tips, you can make even-better-than-store-bought smoothies for much less money at home.

100 Days of Real Food How to Make a Perfect Green Smoothie
Eating Bird Foo Creamy Avocado Mango Smoothie + Saving Smoothies for Later
No Diets Allowed How to Make Healthy Smoothies

5. Slow Cooker Meals

Using your slow cooker is a great way cook without adding a lot of heat to your house. You know I love my meal prep slow cooker shredded chicken, but you can also use the slow cooker to make fancier things (including dessert!).

Clean Eating Magazine Slow Cooker Pomegranate Poached Salmon
The Skinny Fork Healthified Crock Pot Beef and Broccoli
The Realistic Nutritionist Healthy Crock Pot Apple Crisp

Q: What are your favorite summer recipes/ways to avoid turning the stove on as long as possible?


  1. Fellow SPA stopping by via the Friday Five Linkup! I love the Someecard that you posted -- very funny! You & I had a couple of these in common -- salads & smoothies! I love a good smoothie any time, but especially in the heat of summer. Nice to meet you!

    1. Yes salads and smoothies are key! Love that you have so many recipes, will definitely have to try them out!

  2. Great list! I need to branch out with some of my salad and smoothie recipes :-)

    1. Thanks Lindsey! Me too, it's so easy to just do the same thing.

  3. THAT SLOW COOKER CHICKEN is giving me suggestive stares!!!!!!!! ;) ha ha ha ha ah!

    OH and SUSHI is totally a summer food for me - well, sashimi. And really any food I don't have to cook works wonders in the summer - I don't like a SAUNA in my house from roasting things in the oven, alas... I do it anyways though!

    1. Haha oh yes love love love me some raw fish! Can't believe you roasted a whole fish recently. Now that's dedication!

  4. Clever take on the theme (mmmm food). I def want to try overnight oats this summer. My old roommate introduced me to TJ's "Go Bananas" the chocolate covered bananas. I may make my own or even use some PB or Almond Butter to freeze.

    1. Thanks Jenny! I've never tried the TJ frozen bananas. Must remedy this situation ASAP!

  5. Good ideas! I had another smoothie fail (lame blender) this week, but I always want to try again. Back when I was still eating oats (now can't even eat GF ones), I got to liking the cold overnight oats way more than I expected. Guess it's time to dig out the slow cooker, though usually what we do is DH grills meat on the weekend then we freeze and microwave reheat with veggies. Haven't eaten summer rolls per se since giving up grain, but put the same ingredients in nori sheets (a bit brittle) or coconut wraps (did a breakfast sandwich that way).

    1. Oh man I'm so sorry you can't eat GF oats anymore! Would it work with quinoa flakes or something similar? Love the grilling idea too! I'd definitely do that too if I had a grill :)

  6. I'm definitely going to try out some of these recipes! I hate having to use the oven when it's hot out, so I like to find options that don't require it :) I love smoothies and salads, and like to try new recipes so it doesn't get too boring. Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thanks Heather! I'm always on the new recipe hunt too. Let me know if you find anything good :)

  7. I love smoothies, summer rolls and overnight oats. Looking forward to trying some of your recipes!

  8. yes to the slow cooker. we just got an awesome new crock pot and i'm so excited to use that bad boy!

    1. Ooh yay that's exciting! Can't wait to see what you do with it!

  9. Yesss this is perfect! I've been eating the world's most boring salads for the last few weeks and I am ready to turn it up!

    1. Haha I know what you mean! Not having time to meal prep has meant a lot of [insert bagged greens mix] + cut veggies + tofu creations for me recently too. Excited to step our games up!

  10. I love my slow cooker and really should use it more often!

  11. This look so delicious, I love salad. Thank for share.
